Issue Position: Individual rights

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2020

I joined the Army to protect our constitutional rights, including our precious Bill of Rights. I believe all Americans have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

As a teenager the U.S. Army taught me how to use firearms, and as an adult, our Constitution gives me the right to defend my family.

But we have a problem for kids' safety in this nation. I was in high school when Columbine happened. I know what it's like to walk through the halls with fear of gun violence heavy in the air. I am now a dad. My first-born son just graduated kindergarten. In the past 20 years, career politicians haven't made our children any safer than I was. I want all children to grow up in a world where they do not fear going to school.

I do believe we should keep weapons away from those with mental illness, and those who demonstrate a desire to harm themselves and others. I believe we can do this, without taking away rights from law abiding citizens, especially veterans.

We also have a mental health problem in this country. We also need to take a serious look at what is wrong with our culture that we are producing an alarming number of disturbed and anonymous individuals who place no value on human life. I am open to a conversation that protects lives and protects individual rights.

I am pro-life. I believe children are a gift from God. My faith teaches me to defend the defenseless and do all we can to take care of "the least of these" as God has instructed us in scripture. But I don't attack or diminish people who disagree with me. I think we can and must have a civil discussion.

Too many women are forced to make hard choices that have rough consequences. The choice of having a child or finishing high school, the choice of having a child and raising it alone. Women must be offered better options. Those of us who are pro-life must work to solve these problems, so that every child CAN be welcomed into life.

If we are serious about reducing the number of abortions in this country, we must make adoption much easier and take away the financial burden from both the mother and the new parents.

I'm pro-life AND pro-woman, AND pro-child.

I believe we must make life better for moms. As a U.S. Senator, I will fight for equal pay, removing barriers to upward mobility, modernizing family leave, ending sexual harassment, and allowing more flexible work schedules that make it easier for women to work and raise a family.
